Category Archives: Business Intelligence

Gartner vs Forrester 2021

I’ve been following Gartner’s magic quadrant and the Forrester Wave for a while now and decided to compare them for BI platforms, Integrations, and DB/DW. There are differences in what kind of platform and the attributes for scoring by each, but I wanted to try to line up the closest kinds of platform analysis that I had seen by each. I think it would be interesting to show how these have changed year-over-year to get a feel for momentum.

I didn’t pay for redistribution licensing for these, so I hope they don’t come after me.

Business Intelligence Platforms:

Integration Platforms:

Database / Data Warehouse:

Power BI On-Premises Data Gateway Service Failures

Power BI On-Premises Data Gateway is a windows service (PBIEgwService) that moves data from on-premises to the cloud, and also is used by Power BI Report Server.  The data gateway has been failing nearly daily. I’ve changed the service settings to restart upon failure with a 3 minute buffer. If this does not resolve the issue I might set up a heart-beat process that checks the health of the service and if it’s ever not running it will start it.

Publish Google Analytics Reports to the Web using Power BI

There is a feature in Power BI which allows you to connect to your google analytics data, and there is a new preview feature which allows publishing content to the web in an iframe.  In this post I have combined both features together to display my website statistics to the web.

  1. Connect to Google Analytics:
  2. Publish to Web:
Here is the result:
(View Larger)

Note: PowerBI has trouble rendering in Chrome in some cases.  If you are using Chrome and can not see the dashboard then try another browser.  Hopefully Microsoft will resolve this problem.

Video: Business Intelligence with Power BI

I’ve been catching myself up on what Microsoft is doing lately regarding Business Intelligence.  After spending days reading Microsoft documentation and testing some various configurations of Power BI, Gateway,Azure, and SSRS, I came across this video that goes over some history and then gets right into Power BI and some competing tools.  I suspect Microsoft is working toward merging Power BI and SSRS based on some of their SQL Server public previews.